Статья на Russia Today

Have you ever though of just which sport you are or would have been best suited for? Well, scientists believe they have the answer to that very question – the so-called, genetic passport.

“Essentially, the genetic passport is a kind of database containing all the necessary information about one's DNA or genome,” genetic scientist Andrey Glotov explained. “That's the way we can find out nearly everything about a person's genetic predisposition to certain diseases or deviations. On the other hand, it can be widely used in sport medicine as it helps us understand, what kind of sport a person should go for.”

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According to Russian scientists Andrey and Oleg Glotov, there are two main types of genetic predispositions in terms of sport – stamina and power. A wide range of genetic characteristics, available due to a genetic passport, may be very useful – both for parents, wondering what kind of sport activity is the best for their child and professional athletes, trying to fine tune their form and optimize their training.

”Unfortunately, fatal incidents are not a rare thing in professional sport nowadays. So first of all, the genetic passport lets us minimize the risks athletes have in terms of their professional activity. We can also recommend proper exercise and nutrition systems, which would help an athlete make significant progress and achieve higher results,” Glotov said.

Genetic passports are gradually gaining a lot of popularity with leading Russian sportsmen. The likes of heavyweight boxing giant Nikolay Valuev, and Arsenal's star man Andrey Arshavin have already got their own genetic IDs as well as Russian mixfight champion – Yulia Berezikova.

“I've passed the genetic research, and the fact is that martial arts turned out to be a very good choice for me. A combination of speed and durability, that's what you need both in boxing and wrestling. Friends of mine take my advice on what sport they should choose for their kids… And they would often like them to follow me on the path of martial arts,” Berezikova said.

So the future is knocking at the door, with science becoming a more essential part of any sporting achievement.

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